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The adventures of a culinary student are a constant journey with a lifetime of memories. I live by a simple motto: "Travel - Cook - Learn." Cooking can be simple; all you need is passion and someone to inspire you. When I come across pictures, stories, places or even recipes, I will share them for all.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trio puff pastry hot Apps

Trio Hot Apps
Chicken & vegetable Fahija - Roasted Vegetables - Hamburger with soy sauce and Vegetables.

Left- Roasted Vegetable
Center- Hamburger with soy sauce and Vegetables.
Right- Chicken & vegetable Fahija

Now everything is done separately. This recipe is created with the insight that the 3 meals were already cooked.

1 Pkg. puff pastry
Chicken and Vegetables Fahija already hot and ready to go.
Roasted Vegetables (onions, squash, brussel sprouts ,onions,  cauliflower)
Hamburger and soy sauce mix (hamburger, roasted red pepper, shaved carrots, Soy Sauce)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Bake puff pastry for 25 minutes.
when done, remove the tops and save for a garnish.
I had a package of 6 so i divided it 2 puff pastry per each of the 3 recipes.
I filled 2 with the Fahija chicken and vegetables.
I filled 2 with the Roasted Vegetables
I filled 2 with the Hamburger and Soy Sauce.
Place the tops on all of them.

Serve immediately

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