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The adventures of a culinary student are a constant journey with a lifetime of memories. I live by a simple motto: "Travel - Cook - Learn." Cooking can be simple; all you need is passion and someone to inspire you. When I come across pictures, stories, places or even recipes, I will share them for all.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Left Overs: Turkey Stock

Turkey Stock

Makes 6 quarts 


8 quarts of cold water
1 carcass of turkey
8 ounces Onion, rough chop
4 ounces Carrots, rough chop
4ounces Celery, rough chop
4 cloves of garlic, rough chop
1 TSP Peppercorns
1/4tsp Basil, dried
1/4 tsp Oregano, dried
1/4 tsp  Thyme, dried

Method of Preparation:
Step 1) Place turkey carcass in a stock pan. add cold water.
Step 2) add all other ingredients, bring to a boil, then lower heat for a simmer.
Step 3) simmer for 2 hours, for best flavor.
Step 4) Strain through a fine mesh strainer .

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